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October 06, 2024

OLAPLEX's Tips for Working From Home

Since inception, OLAPLEX has been a team of amazing individuals who help run the company working from home. The bond our team has built within the company and our customers worldwide by working remotely has been one of the attributes we feel makes our company special. During these trying, unprecedented times, all of us are experiencing change. For many it means working from home. For those new to working remotely, this may present its own challenges. Here at OLAPLEX love it, but know that in the beginning some may feel out of balance transitioning to working remotely. It’s been over five years of us working this way, and in light of the worlds’ headlines, we thought we thought rallying together with some helpful tips for at home productivity could only help some of you during this transition. We hope they help you stay balanced, motivated, and inspired! Here we go!

Get your house in order.

As a collective, we’ve agreed that one of the biggest distractions at home is disorder, whether it be an unmade bed, dishes in the sink, or a mess on the table. A great way to promote a clear mind, is to have a clear space! Tidy up before your work day, whether the evening before or early morning before you start the work day!

Clear your mind prior to starting the work day.

Many people on our team have a morning ritual. This gives them time to start the morning each with in their own special way to start their work day feeling balanced and centered!

Some morning rituals include: coffee (well, most rituals!), no social media for the first 15 minutes of the day, meditation, exercise.

Get ready for work as if you’re leaving the house.

This tip is essential! All of us here have at one point or another started the work day in pajamas and let us tell you, there’s a big difference between staying in PJs and getting dressed. Getting ready as if we’re leaving the house and going into the office, makes for an overall better mindset. It will help you feel motivated, and ready to start the day!

Set up a workspace.

It’s important to set up a place or two you can call your “desk”. For some it might be an area of the kitchen table, some it may be a desk, or even a counter top for those who prefer to stand! Many of us even like to designate a few spaces to change scenery during the day. The only exclusion being working from bed. Save bed for relaxation time!

Schedule breaks for yourself.

Don’t work the whole day straight! Schedule in a time for lunch, snacks, connecting with fellow team mates or friends. Call someone for 5 minutes and ask how their day is going. These little acts can give an abundance of balance into your work home life. We’re all big fans of taking 5 minute stretch breaks throughout the day, some of us even take dance breaks!

Treat yourself.

That’s right. We love a good multi-tasking moment with OLAPLEX No.3 or even OLAPLEX No.5 for a conditioning treatment. Work on a project while also working on the integrity of your hair. It’s a win win!

Set boundaries.

Have a clear start and stop time. Communicate this to your team and manager. Once you have, share with them how to contact you in an “off hour” emergency.

Stay healthy and hydrated.

It’s never too soon for a hydration check. If you’re the type who zones deep into a project, set alarms to remind yourself to check in on your wellness. Whether it’s water, a healthy meal, a supplement, or exercise. Just because you’re home, doesn’t mean you’re home working all day, so use the “set boundaries” tip to schedule in time for wellness! It’s the most important tip!

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